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Tag: fine lines

Wrinkles: causes, types and treatments

Header The Moisturizer - Wrinkles: causes, types and treatments

Are you worried about wrinkles and fine lines? We usually want to try everything to prevent and reduce them. However, if we do that without understanding what our skin needs, it’s difficult to get results. I’ll show you what actives to look for in your cosmetics to prevent (and even reduce) these signs of aging!

How to start using exfoliating acids

Header The Moisturizer - How to start using exfoliating acids

Does your skin feel dull? Do you want to achieve brighter, healthier or younger skin? Exfoliating acids (such as glycolic or salicylic acid) are skincare actives that work wonders on our skin. However, it’s important to use them correctly or you can easily damage your skin. Here are my tips to get the best results!

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